Mūsu pasniedzēji
Mūsu komandā ir vairāk nekā 50 pasniedzēju, kuri ir profesionāļi savās jomās un kuri aizrautīgi vada mācību procesu un izcili pārvalda angļu valodu.
Viņi ir izturējuši stingru atlases procesu trijos kritērijos:
Angļu valodas zināšanas
Pirmkārt, skolotāji ir bilingvāli cilvēki vai tādi, kuru angļu valodas zināšanas vērtējamas kā izcilas, jo viņi dzīvojuši angliski runājošās valstīs un ieguvuši multikulturālu pieredzi
Zināšanas par mācību priekšmetu
Mums ir ļoti svarīgi, lai cilvēks būtu profesionālis savā jomā – spējīgs, jauns zinātnieks, talantīgs mākslinieks, doktorants – entuziasts, kas ir uzticīgs tam, ko viņš dara, un kas ar savu aizrautību spēj iedvesmot bērnus
Psiholoģisko un pedagoģisko testu rezultāti
Kandidāta sniegums intervijā mums ir svarīgāks par viņa pedagoģisko pieredzi. Visi kandidāti kārto sarežģītu pārrunu un testu sistēmu, ko izstrādājuši profesionāli psihologi, ar mērķi pārliecināties, ka kandidātam piemīt nepieciešamās rakstura īpašības darbam ar bērniem.
Pēc visu atlases posmu nokārtošanas, kandidāti piedalās striktās profesionālajās un psiholoģiskajās apmācībās, kas palīdz orientēties dažādās pedagoģijas metodēs, lai vēlāk pasniedzējs spētu izvēlēties atbilstošu pieeju katram audzēknim
Alex Balakirev
Priekšmets: Psychology, Humanities (psiholoģija un vispārēji attīstošās mācības).
Izglītība: Clinical Psychologist and Neuropsychologist in Moscow State University.
Intereses: Theater, reading, beach tennis and snowboard.
"When I was little, I wanted to be a policeman and protect those, who need protection, and also be the one who makes sure justice rules the world! However what got me into teaching and psychology was - I started going to extracurriculum courses of Psychology for teenagers and they helped me so much, so I immediately knew I want to help others too.

I would define a "professional" or a "great" teacher as a person who is demanding, attentive and sensitive to their students. A person who can fire up the passion to a certain field of knowledge. An expert in this field of knowledge, that knows their limits in the field. In my opinion, the most rewarding thing about being a teacher is the feedback that you get from your students and their parents - emotional, verbal or just the outcome you see yourself."
Daria Ermolaeva
Priekšmets: Humanities, Developmental Education (humanitārās un vispārēji attīstošās mācības).
Izglītība: Higher School of Economics, Sociological theory and applied methods + University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
Intereses: Books, music, animals.
"For quite some time, I was willing to become a vet, but when it came to studying natural science of any sort, it never sparked interest in me and, most importantly, I turned out to be allergic to animals. Then I started a journey of looking for the ideal profession: journalism, acting, music, production, filming and etc. When I applied to the faculty of Social Science at the university I could never expect ending up where I am right now.

I started as a group assistant at London Gates and slowly got to know some amazing teachers and staff of LG. I guess it's the atmosphere of freedom and acceptance, the fact that teachers learn from their students and learn to find various ways to engage students, that inspired me to get into teaching.

I believe a great teacher is the one who cares. Some of the greatest teachers I've learned from and worked with were the ones that loved what they were doing, they were genuinely interested in their students overcoming their fears and uncovering their secret talents.

The most fulfilling thing about teaching is the amazing students that we meet! Sometimes it may be hard to motivate some of them, it might take days, weeks, or months, but once you establish the bond, it becomes the most wonderful teaching experience ever."
Emilver Gobbett
Priekšmets: English.
Izglītība: Bretton Hall Arts College, University of Leeds (UK). Graphic Arts & Communications Bachelor of Arts Degree.
Intereses: I’ve always been interested in Art since childhood but I also became fascinated with Physics as I left school. These led me to studying Graphic Design and Communication for my degree.
I teach English which I see as another form of art in terms of effective communication. In terms of hobbies, I think creativity is a real form of meditation for me, from painting, calligraphy and playing music (sunny latin percussive beats) helps me feel more balanced. In terms of activities, I’ve started taking road cycling seriously a couple of years ago, I’m so hooked and can’t ride enough!

I don’t remember having a dream job when I was a child, but I always enjoyed to play. Be it in a room full of paper and pens or being outside all day. What I knew then is that if I had a job, it would have to be one that I feel strongly passionate for. One that would make me want to wake up and go out as if I would play.

When I look back at my years of education, there were some amazing teachers who each had their way of making me interested in a subject I may never had imagined I would fall in love with. I think it’s the idea of inspiring others by building their confidence as they start to truly understand how learning the language could help them express themselves playfully and professionally.

I’ve always had a natural curiosity how some can teach with such conviction and inspire others. Yet, my education wasn’t directly related. It was an idea I’ve tinkered with but never took seriously. Until that was, I wanted to move to Latvia. I realised this was a chance so I studied CELTA to find out. I had no idea at the time just how much difference it would become my new passion.

Teaching is my main job now, though since I started teaching, I slowly understood the connection between communication through visual means (design & art) and language. I feel blessed that from time to time, I get to write commissioned blogs and copywriting.

The best thing about teaching, to my mind, is having the chance to make a difference. Realistically, I know this comes with a whole set of challenges. But the satisfaction I feel when I observe some students grow and become empowered, regardless of age, is just priceless and irreplaceable.

I think that you become a professional teacher, when you’ve made enough mistakes that you’ve learnt from. I’m not really sure what would be considered as professional but my guess is that it’s an effective teacher who can tailor the lessons to the student’s specific needs at times on the spot.
Elza Pūce
Priekšmets: Science, Mathematics.
Izglītība: Riga Stradins University, Nutrition Bachelor.
Intereses: Outdoors, traveling, music and bike riding.
I like being a teacher because this job keeps me young and fit if you want to be a cool teacher, you have to know what the students are interested in music, games, style and so on. If you can speak the students` language, it is easier to build trust and respect. Also, this job is a big fulfillment and I love to see the students` growth. I believe that I can motivate them to do great things and to risk in order to succeed.

I don`t try to conceal the fact that teachers are also just human beings and that we can be wrong or make mistakes every now and then. As I remember from the poster on my English teacher`s wall: it`s not a shame if you don`t know, but it`s a shame if you don`t want to know.

I think that a professional teacher is the one who has a professional attitude. Willingness to help, a personal interest in every students` success and a big and kind heart. Also, a professional teacher always has room for improvement and at the moment I`m enrolled in other studies special education at Rezekne Academy of Technologies. On my neverending way to own the status: professional teacher.
Priekšmets: Arts and design (māksla un dizains).
Izglītība: Art Academy of Latvia, BA and MA of Arts; The Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki, Erasmus.
Intereses: Literature, bookbinding, book art and beach tennis.
"As a kid I imagined I could work as a ‘Smell Detective’ - a professional (secret) investigator who would meet people at railway stations or other connection points and tell by their smell where they come from and what they have in mind.

My teaching activities started when I was asked to conduct art workshops for local schools while doing my artist residencies in different countries. Afterwards children would come to the residency and ask if we could repeat or do some more creative activities together. I was interested in and inspired by their curiosity. This was also a motivation to create art educational programmes for museums and art institutions that other teachers could use.

For me, a great teacher always brings some mystery to the class, and shows you something that you have not seen or done before. Later, the same teacher will show you the way this magic can happen with your own involvement and help you to gain confidence in your ability to achieve things and even beyond – push you to do more than you imagined you could do, giving you assignments that help your personal growth.

In my opinion, teaching provides the opportunity to practice and expand various means of communication, creativity, interactivity, connection and idea generation. The fulfilling part is to see how an artwork can be made in this joint creativity field, as well as the transformational force the process contains and the benefits for everyone involved."
Jana Astratova
Priekšmets: English (angļu valoda).
Izglītība: Bachelor of Arts (Creative Media) - Dundalk Institute of Technology (Ireland), Masters in English Philology - University of Latvia.
Intereses: Modern dance, literature, digital art.
"Deep inside I always wanted to be a teacher. My teachers inspired me to be like them: intelligent, understanding and caring. Another profession that was on my mind is artist, as a graduate of a school of art and design, I developed my creativity which now helps me in teaching. However I got into teaching quite accidentally. When I gave up on my childhood dream and became a manager in one of the biggest stores in Ireland, the world changed completely (as you may remember we were stuck at home for quite a long time). I decided to move back to Latvia to be closer to my family and a friend of mine asked me if I would like to try teaching visual communication. When I came to school for an interview I was also offered to teach English. Feels like it was meant to be and teaching came to my life when it was right.

According to Google “professional teacher” refers to the status of a person who is paid to teach. As for me, professionalism is a mix of education, experience, and attitude toward the job. It can never be achieved as there is always some space for improvement. With the rapid change of the world, teachers have to adapt to new realities and trends. A great teacher is one who can build connections and trust with students. It is also the person who leads by example and students would like to be friends with.

For me, the most rewarding thing for a teacher is the energy that a teacher gets from students and understanding that you a doing something for good. "
Priekšmets: Drama (teātra māksla).
Izglītība: Latvian Academy of Culture, Theory of Audiovisual and Performance arts.
Intereses: "My leisure activities would probably go under the category of "jack of all trades" - I am a musician, I've always loved writing, playing and performing music, I enjoy multiple practices of visual arts, such as painting, chalk art, calligraphy, I am often seen with a book in my hand, reading literature that varies from Dickens to cognitive linguistics. And I dance - mostly in my kitchen, however that doesn't mean it's not a world-class show."
"I have wanted to be a tram driver, a singer, an auto mechanic, a lawyer. However, the role of a teacher came into my life quite suddenly., and I really think it was a "meant to be" moment. I am constantly amazed by our children, their unpredictable, creative minds, their vulnerability and authenticity.

Children are like clay - everything I do, everything I say can affect them. In deeper and further ways that can be predicted. It's a tremendous responsibility. Even more so- it's an honor. I believe that a "professional" teacher combines high knowledge and a profound understanding of this responsibility, and a skill to act accordingly. A "great" teacher would be everything aforementioned plus the crucially necessary ability to connect with his students, one who honestly cares, who carries love in his heart and always acts through that love.

The most rewarding aspect of being a teacher is every tiny step of progress that can be observed in a student. It brings me tremendous joy."
Mācīties London Gates